
Latest zoom update
Latest zoom update

Set up a local cron job to download the Zoom package regularly, let's say once a month. These instructions are probably a bit outdated, with the necessary updates found here. Set up a personal repository and add it to your APT sources. You could use the following general approach to create your own, local APT repository with a regularly downloaded copy of the file zoom_b as provided on the Zoom server: If the update failed, you'll get a message like this: E: Problem executing scripts APT::Update::Pre-Invoke 'cd /usr/local/zoomdebs & wget -qN & dpkg-sig -verify zoom_b & apt-ftparchive packages. If everything looks good then when you run apt-get update you should see the following, probably somewhere near the top of the output. Then, if you're happy with that install it into apt's gpg keyring: I just used: wget -O but you could also go to e.g. Get it how best suits your level of paranoia. Now you'll need the Zoom package maintainer's gpg key.

latest zoom update

If you want to use apt-get, apt or the GUI upgrade-manager, the following script will set a local repository for zoom, which will auto-update every time apt-get update runs: #!/usr/bin/env bashĪptconf=/etc/apt//100update_zoom However, last time I tried, the zoom-client snap did not keep my local preferences every update. At the moment, there is no official PPA for zoom, but there is an unofficial snap.

Latest zoom update